Carmen and I were the only two working at the Studio last Thursday, which meant she was all alone in the studio, and I was all alone in the office. All alone is not so much fun, so we decided to have a Party!
I bought the party hats, and a great time was had by all (notwithstanding my sub-par self-photography skills...)
[caption id="attachment_1089" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Carmen, Helen, Woolbert, and Woolhemina have a fun Party!"][/caption]
Woolbert and Woolhemina were loathe to leave the party, and stayed long after Carmen and I got back to work...
[caption id="attachment_1090" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Woolbert and Woolhemina won't leave!"][/caption]
We left them alone to sulk, and got back to work.
In other exciting news, today I moved many beautiful Moo and Ewe colors to the Destash portion of the website! The majority of these colors are from an old batch of the yarn that didn't accept color as vibrantly as the new batch does. They are still incredibly beautiful (and I am so, so tempted to take many of them home with me...), so have a look! This is your chance to try out one of our favorite and most unique bases at an incredible 50% off! We love Moo for shawls, and are currently enamored of Martina Behm's shawls in Moo. Carmen is planning to make each shawl in Moo, while Babs, Jen and I each have a hitchhiker cast on in this base... come join us!