All Aboard! Miss Babs 2013 Knitting Tour

We've had a blast on the 2012 Knitting Tour, and are now pleased to invite you to join us on our second year of the Miss Babs Knitting Tour! We don't want to give away too much, so all we will say at present is that we will again visit 4 locations. This year there are 2 islands, 3 cities, and 2 continents, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere. We will travel in March, June, September, and December, giving you plenty of time to explore (and knit in!) each stop.


This past year we visited the Seychelles, where we knit a beautiful shawl by Susanna IC,

Seychelles by Susanna IC


the Yorkshire Moors where we indulged in a cozy shawl by Romi,



the Sierra Nevada Mountains where Cecily Glowik MacDonald provided us with a clever pattern for mitts and a cowl,

Sierra Nevada cowl and mitts by Cecily Glowik Macdonald

and we will celebrate the New Year in Berlin, with one of Martina Behm's signature shawls.

Brickless by Martina Behm

Again we are blessed with amazing designers: Kitman FigueoraFranklin HabitSpillyJane, and Stephanie of Verybusymonkey! The projects will again be suited for all knitters, and are again designed to allow you to grow your knitting skills within the supportive environment of our Ravelry group. We have a tour guide on Ravelry, SarahBess, who is available for location or knitting questions! This year there will be more variety in terms of projects, but we are sure you will love them all!


The Miss Babs Ticket Window will open January 1, 2013. Please check this page to sign up! We will again offer an installment option. If you choose this option, your second payment will be due in late Februray. This year, we are also offering an exclusive Miss Babs Knitting Tour Project Bag with custom fabric, made by Yarn Pop! This is an add-on, since we wanted to give people who may not need another bag the option to sign up without purchasing it.


The costs for the trip are as follows:

Domstic Ticket, Single Payment-- $240

Domestic Ticket, Installment Option-- $125 each


Canadian Ticket, Single Payment-- $250

Canadian Ticket, Installment Option-- $130 each


International Ticket, Single Payment-- $260

International Ticket, Installment Option-- $135 each


Project Bag-- $35


We've loved our first year of travels, and are looking forward to another year of traveling, fun, and friends. Please join us!

The Miss Babs Travel Department



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Or one that includes either knit or crochet patterns.

Miss Babs

I really wish I could join, it sounds like so much fun! Alas, I only crochet. Perhaps some day you’ll have a crocheting tour?

Brandy Parkhurst

We will ship the first kit in March – approximately the third week of the month.

Miss Babs

My husband signed me up for the club and was wondering if he should have gotten a confirmation email, he did get a confirmation from paypal. I so enjoy seeing you all at saff each year and am excited to join in the traveling


Looking forward to being part of the Tour. Can you give us an idea of the mailing date of the materials for the first trip?

Pat Leventhal

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