Gradient Color Combinations

Gradient Color Combinations

Here are some ideas we've thought of for combining gradient sets to create beautiful and dynamic projects. 
Combining two single-color gradients is just as easy as combining two individual colors. For example, here's Amber and Londontowne:
and Carina and Londontowne:
Summer Bouquet together with Phoenix Rising is a little more interesting than just pink and just gray together:
And Sunflowers together with Summer Bouquet brightens the overall palette.
Then, if you take some cues from nature, you can put other multicolor gradient sets together successfully.
Summer Bouquet and Ivy brings together the colors of flower petals and fresh leaves:
Dutch Iris 2 and Amber remind us of sunflowers and late summer blooms like goldenrod:
And Dunk is almost an extension of the cool greens in Eucalyptus, filling out the overall effect of those trees:
From here we can get a little more adventurous, adding the purples of Vineyard (Pantone 2018 Color of the Year anyone?) to the multicolor selection of A Play on Casting Nets - the purples complement each color individually.
Another good rule of thumb is to consider the relative intensities of the colors you're combining.
Both Wild Birds (Purple) and Oriental Rug are fairly saturated, but also slightly muted.
Haven and Spice Market could be used against each other or to create a soft rainbow:
The colors of both Grand Bazaar and Amazing Day are soft, but have contrast between the two sets.
A similar effect can be seen in Haven and Eucalyptus.
Some patterns we love that can be used for these include:
 Inara Wrap by Ambah O'Brien
Denpa by Olga Buraya-Kefelian
Rose Gold by Andrea Mowry
Nakarra Wrap by Ambah O'Brien
The Peephole Stole by Barbara Benson could be enlarged with a second gradient
Romeo by Kieran Foley
We hope this inspires you to put some colors together!
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1 comment


I love the colors of your advent calendar
“ADVENTurous Wrap by Ambah O’Brien” Is it possible that you have others to sell?
Thank you :)


Julia Michel

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