Night Market

Designed by Laura Aylor

Knit sideways in an easy textured stitch with inlaid “pearls,” Night Market incorporates eight colors to mimic the southeastern Asian pasar malam, or “night market,” which holds light and warmth up against the inky night.

Sample Yarn and Colorway:

Our sample was knit in Miss Babs Caroline in the Grand Bazaar Gradient set with Corset and Ebony.

What You'll Need:

You'll need one Night Market Set to complete this project. Choose the original colorway below − or try another color combination! We've created three colorways in both Caroline and Yummy 2-Ply for this pattern.


You can purchase the pattern for Night Market directly from the designer on Ravelry. This pattern is also available on Makerist. All patterns are sold separately and not included with purchase of yarn.

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