Collection: Happy Birthday Babs 2024

Mountain Meadow is our special 2024 colorway for Babs' birthday. See all our yarns in the Mountain Meadow colorway here, plus our special collaboration bags with m.a.b.e.l!

As most everyone knows, I love flowers and nature, and one of my favorite ways to come up with ideas for new colorways is to go for a drive. This is exactly what I did in advance of developing Mountain Meadow. This colorway makes me wish for a long walk in a meadow with a light breeze and clear morning sky as a way to spend some of my birthday. 

Each skein is different, with a light creamy background with layers of warm pink, butter yellow, and cool green, and speckles in inky blue, turquoise, mossy green, gold, pink, and purple.


Repeatable variegated colorways


Unique non-repeatable colorways